The State Duma proposed to introduce access to “LGBT propaganda” by code

DThe deputies proposed to create a mechanism for access to “LGBT propaganda” by code With the help of a code or other similar mechanism, users will confirm their age, explained in the new bill on the complete prohibition of LGBT propaganda in the media, Internet and cinema

The State Duma proposed to introduce access to

The bill introduced in the State Duma to ban “propaganda of non-traditional relations” establishes a mechanism that restricts children’s access to such content, the document says. To view or listen to information with “LGBT propaganda” on paid services, it is proposed to establish a requirement to “enter codes or perform other actions to confirm the age of the user”.

The authors of the bill propose to make mandatory a text warning about limiting the dissemination of information among children that falls under LGBT propaganda in announcements on television and radio. “It is proposed to establish a ban on the dissemination of information harmful to the health and (or) development of children on audiovisual services, if the owner of such a service does not provide a ban on access of minors to this information,” the text of the document says.

The deputies also consider it necessary to oblige the owners of news aggregators, audiovisual services and social networks not to allow the use of their information resources for the distribution of materials promoting non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences.

On October 20, two bills were submitted to the State Duma concerning the prohibition of LGBT propaganda. They were signed by 390 deputies. The Lower House will consider the initiative on October 27.

Legislators propose to increase the maximum fine for propaganda of “non-traditional sexual relations” among children to 5 million rubles. and introduce a fine for propaganda among adults from 50 thousand rubles. for individuals up to 4 million rubles. for legal entities that distribute it online or in the media. The dissemination of information that can “cause a desire to change gender” (up to 4 million rubles) will also be punished. It is proposed to expel foreigners from Russia for such actions.

Propaganda, according to the authors of the bill, is expressed “in the dissemination of information and (or) the commission of public actions aimed at the formation of non-traditional sexual attitudes, the attractiveness of non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences, a distorted view of the social equivalence of traditional and non-traditional sexual relations” or “the imposition of information about non-traditional sexual relations and (or) preferences that arouse interest in such relationships.

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A ban on pedophilia propaganda is also being introduced. For it it will be possible to receive a fine in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. for individuals up to 10 million rubles. for legal entities that distribute information on the Internet and media.

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