Russia has imposed sanctions against the governor of Alaska and Pelosi’s daughter

MThe Russian Foreign Ministry imposed sanctions against Alaska Governor Dunleavy and Pelosi’s daughter Kristin, 77 citizens were banned from entering Russia — politicians and officials who form an “anti-Russian course”, and heads of companies associated with the supply of weapons to Ukraine

Russia has imposed sanctions against the governor of Alaska and Pelosi's daughter

Mike Dunleavy

Russia has closed the entry of 77 US citizens, the Foreign Ministry announced, calling it a reaction to Washington’s expansion of personal sanctions against Russians. The list includes more than 30 governors of American states, as well as the daughter of former Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, Kristin.

Personal sanctions were imposed against politicians, officials and their family members involved in the formation and implementation of the anti-Russian course, as well as against the heads of companies who, according to the Foreign Ministry, are involved in the supply of weapons to Kiev.

Among the officials under the restrictions were the governors of Alabama (Ellen Ivey), Massachusetts (Charlie Baker), North Dakota (Doug Bergam), Kentucky (Andrew Beshear), Oregon (Kate Brown), Alaska (Mike Dunleavy), Washington (Jay Inzley) and two dozen other American states.

The list also includes retired Lieutenant General of the US Air Force, Head of Business Development at Leidos William Bender; former military attache of the US Embassy in Russia, retired Brigadier General Peter Zvak; former head of the US Army Intelligence Center, retired Brigadier General James Marks; head of the Leidos Intelligence Unit Roy Stevens; Desert Tech President and CEO Nicholas Young and others.

Since the beginning of hostilities in Ukraine, the United States has imposed several rounds of anti-Russian sanctions. On January 26, Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Arkady Gostev, Head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, founder of Yota Sergey Adonyev and his sons, as well as individuals and structures associated, according to Washington, with the PMCs Wagner, were under restrictions.

The Foreign Ministry took retaliatory measures. The full list of US citizens who are banned from entering Russia includes 1,344 people.

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