The Prime Minister of Sweden has resigned

For the first time in 60 years, the government lost support in parliament before the elections

 The Prime Minister of Sweden has resigned

Stefan Levfen

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Leven has submitted his resignation to the Speaker of the Parliament. He made this decision after he lost support in parliament last week, the Reuters news agency reports.

In accordance with local legislation, Leuven had until midnight to try to create a new government coalition under her leadership, but in the end, the leader of the Social Democrats failed to reach an agreement with the centrist parties.

As The Economist pointed out, Leven became the first Swedish prime minister since 1958, whose government received a vote of no confidence in parliament. The reason was the growth of household spending across the country and a significant increase in real estate prices, the newspaper writes.

The prime minister tried to promote a bill according to which it was proposed to give homeowners the opportunity to freely set rent for new housing. Under the current system, homeowners can only charge a “reasonable rent” (sk & auml; lig hyra), which is part of the “Swedish social model”. Leven’s initiative caused discontent of other parties.

Leven became the head of the Swedish government in 2018. The formation of the cabinet was preceded by four months of negotiations. As a result, it was possible to approve the coalition of the Social Democrats and the Greens only thanks to an agreement with the Liberals and the Left Party that they would not interfere with the work of the new cabinet. The situation changed at the beginning of the monthafter the Left Party decided to withdraw from the agreements.

According to the interlocutors of Reuters, the current political crisis may be protracted: opinion polls show that the chances of success of both the center-left and center-right are approximately equal, and therefore there are no guarantees that a new coalition will be formed quickly.


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