The balance reported the APU strikes on the locks of the Kakhovskaya HPP

Volodymyr Saldo: Ukrainian troops strike at the locks of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station If the locks are destroyed, there will be a “volley discharge of water”, and “a large number of residential buildings” may be flooded, said Saldo

The balance reported the APU strikes on the locks of the Kakhovskaya HPP


The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to strike at the locks of the Kakhovskaya HPP in order to flood the territory of the Kherson region. This was reported to the RBC TV channel by the acting Governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo.

“The Armed Forces of Ukraine are pounding on many transport infrastructure facilities, on all bridges, including the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, where the Kakhovsky reservoir is located, a large amount of water. Plus, now there is a discharge of water throughout the cascade of the Dnieper hydroelectric power plants,” the Balance said.

According to him, “a volley discharge of water from the Kakhovsky reservoir” in case of destruction of the sluice chambers”can lead to flooding of a large number of residential buildings”, including in Kherson.

Therefore, the authorities of the Kherson region warn residents that they need to evacuate as soon as possible, the head of the region continued.

Earlier on October 19, the regional authorities began dumping water at the Kakhovskaya HPP due to fears that its locks would be damaged and settlements would be threatened with flooding.

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The balance noted that, first of all, such a danger exists for the private sector, in connection with which a house-by-house bypass is being carried out. “They ask people to leave for a while, to give the opportunity to get off the water, which will pour in a continuous stream,” the acting governor said.

According to him, after the evacuation began in the region, more than 7 thousand residents of the Kherson region were moved to the left bank of the Dnieper. The situation in Kherson is calm now, the military grouping in the region is “very serious and strong,” he assured.

Evacuation of civilians began in the Kherson region on October 19. Evacuees were informed about the need to have documents, money, medicines with them, and the total weight of the collected items and products should not exceed 50 kg.

The authorities decided to take residents of four municipalities of Kherson to the left bank of the Dnieper – Berislavsky, Belozersky, Snigirevsky and Alexandrovsky. 5 thousand people left in two days. In total, 50-60 thousand people are planned to be taken out within a week.

On October 19, local residents began receiving SMS messages calling for evacuation. “Dear residents! Evacuate immediately. There will be shelling of residential quarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From 07:00 buses from the riverport to the left bank », — the newsletter says.

The authorities of the Kherson region explained the need for evacuation by the threat of flooding of territories in connection with the planned destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam by the APU.

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Mishustin will head the coordinating council for the provision of military

Putin instructed Mishustin to head the coordination council for ensuring the military operation President Vladimir Putin instructed Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to head the special coordination council for ensuring the tasks of the military operation

Mishustin will head the coordination council for military security

Mikhail Mishustin

President Vladimir Putin instructed to create a special coordination council under the government by October 20 to ensure the tasks of the military operation and security. It will be headed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The Head of state announced this at a meeting of the Security Council. The broadcast of the open part of the meeting was conducted by RBC.

As explained in the instruction of the President, the council is created in order to meet the needs arising during the military operation in Ukraine, including the supply and repair of weapons, military and special equipment, materiel, medical and sanitary services, repair and restoration, construction and installation and other works, logistics. In addition to Mishustin, it should include representatives of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rosgvardiya, FSB, SVR, GUSPA, the State Council and other federal executive authorities.

By October 24, the new council should “define a target task to meet the needs arising during a special military operation, the key areas of this task, the timing of its implementation, as well as the ministers responsible for the work in each direction.”

On October 19, Vladimir Putin introduced regimes of different levels of response in Russian regions. Martial law has been imposed in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions annexed to Russia, and in the regions bordering Ukraine, the level of “average response” has been introduced.

The heads of regions receive additional powers that allow them, in turn, to introduce special regimes at enterprises, control their work, restrict traffic, etc. However, these measures do not provide for additional restrictions on leaving the country, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

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Mikhail Mishustin

politician, Prime Minister of Russia

March 3, 1966

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Власти заявили об отражении атак ВСУ при попытке наступления у Херсона

Стремоусов: все атаки ВСУ при попытке наступления в Херсонской области были отражены

Российские войска отразили все атаки при попытке наступления украинской армии в Херсонской области и удерживают линию обороны, заявил замглавы администрации Кирилл Стремоусов

Власти заявили об отражении атак ВСУ при попытке наступления у Херсона

Российские силы отразили атаки украинской армии, которая перешла в наступление в направлении Новая Каменка— Берислав в Херсонской области после артподготовки, и удерживают линию обороны, заявил замглавы администрации области Кирилл Стремоусов.

По его словам, в наступлении участвовали до двух батальонов пехоты и один танковый батальон. Также отмечалось большое количество беспилотников среднего действия и разведывательных Bayraktar.

Накануне командующий группировкой войск в зоне проведения военной операции Сергей Суровикин говорил о «непростой ситуации» в Херсоне. Стремоусов предупреждал о стягивании украинских войск к Херсонской области и готовящемся их наступлении. По его словам, у линии фронта находятся несколько десятков тысяч украинских военных, а также «стянуто много наемников».

Местные жители 19 октября стали получать СМС-сообщения с призывом об эвакуации. Власти решили вывезти на левый берег Днепра жителей четырех муниципалитетов Херсона— Бериславского, Белозерского, Снигиревского и Александровского. Глава администрации области Владимир Сальдо счел, что на вывоз 50–60 тыс. человек понадобится около недели. На тоже время для гражданских лиц закрыли въезд в регион, чтобы упростить процесс эвакуации.


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Три человека пострадали в результате обстрела села в Белгородской

Гладков: в результате обстрела Шебекино в Белгородской области пострадали три человека

Одного из пострадавших в тяжелом состоянии доставили в операционную. В результате обстрела разрушены несколько домов на окраине города, местами оборваны линии электропередачи

Три человека пострадали в результате обстрела села в Белгородской

СелоШебекино (находится у границы с Харьковской областью Украины) попал под сильный обстрел, сообщил губернатор Белгородской области Вячеслав Гладков.

Пострадали три человека: мужчина и две женщины. Мужчина получил ранение грудной клетки, его в тяжелом состоянии отвезли в операционную. Одна женщина находится в состоянии средней тяжести. Ее и еще одну пострадавшую также доставили в больницу.

Прилетыснарядов пришлись на гражданские объекты, в том числе торговый центр и ФОК. «В спортивном объекте поврежден надувной купол. В торговом центре посечены окна и витрины, а также две машины, которые стояли на территории парковки»,— сообщил глава региона. По его словам, обстрел продолжается.

«Есть прилеты в жилые дома на окраине города. Домовладения принадлежат детям-сиротам. Разрушены несколько домов. Также местами оборваны линии электропередачи»,— написал губернатор.

С начала спецоперации Белгородская область неоднократно подвергалась обстрелам, однако с начала октября их число начало расти. Утром 19 октября Гладков сообщил, что снаряд попал в объект инфраструктуры в Белгороде. По словам губернатора, разрушения незначительные и на работу энергообеспечения города они не повлияют.

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На фоне участившихся обстрелов в регионе объявили внеочередные школьные каникулы. Власти также проверят готовность подвалов к размещению людей на случай массированных ракетных ударов со стороны Украины.


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Стремоусов заявил о превращении Херсона в крепость

Стремоусов: десятки тысяч бойцов ВСУ находятся на подступах к Херсонской области

По его словам, ВСУ стягивают к линии фронта военную технику, Херсон превращается в крепость. Стремоусов призвал мирных жителей покинуть город, чтобы «не мешать маневрам военных»

Стремоусов заявил о превращении Херсона в крепость

Вооруженные силы Украины стягивают технику к Херсонской области, на подступах к ней находятся несколько десятков тысяч украинских военных, пишет ТАСС со ссылкой на замглавы региональной администрации Кирилла Стремоусова.

Агентству «РИА Новости» Стремоусов заявил, что у линии фронта в Херсонской области «очень много стянуто наемников». Он подчеркнул, что сдавать Херсон российские военные не собираются, город «превращается в крепость».

Стремоусов в очередной раз напомнил о рекомендации мирным жителям покинуть Херсон. «Мы будем отбивать любые контратаки. Только надо, чтобы гражданские не мешали маневрам военных»,— объяснил замгубернатора. Ранее он заявил, что ВСУ в ближайшее время начнут наступление на Херсон и не исключены обстрелы.

Корреспондент «РИА Новости» сообщил, что местные власти рассылают жителям СМС о необходимости покинуть город из-за угрозы обстрелов.

Командующий группировкой в зоне спецоперации на Украине генерал армии Сергей Суровикин назвал ситуацию в Херсоне непростой и не исключил принятие «самых непростых решений». Он обвинил украинские силы в целенаправленном нанесении ударов по объектам социальной, экономической инфраструктуры и жилым домам города. По словам Суровикина, НАТО «уже давно требует» от Киева наступления на херсонском направлении.

«У нас имеются данные о возможности применения киевским режимом запрещенных методов войны в районе города Херсона, о подготовке Киевом массированного ракетного удара по плотине Каховской ГЭС, нанесение массивного ракетно-артиллерийского удара по городу без разбора целей. Данные действия могут привести к уничтожению инфраструктуры крупного промышленного центра и большим жертвам среди гражданского населения»,— добавил он.

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The co-author of the dossier on Trump’s ties with Russia was found not guilty of lying

WithThe author of the dossier on Trump’s ties with Russia, Danchenko, was found not guilty of lying to the FBI. The Russian was accused of giving deliberately false testimony to FBI employees in the case of surveillance of the election headquarters of ex-President Donald Trump, but the jury found him innocent

The co-author of the dossier on Trump's ties with Russia was found not guilty of lying

Igor Danchenko

A jury in the United States on Tuesday found Russian Igor Danchenko not guilty of providing deliberately false data to FBI employees in the case of surveillance of the election headquarters of Donald Trump. This was reported by CNN.

The jury returned an acquittal verdict on four charges brought against Danchenko. On another count, the charges were dropped by the court last week.

American investigators claimed that Danchenko helped compile a dossier with deliberately false allegations about Trump’s collusion with Russia, and then hid from the FBI his contacts with a person associated with the Democratic Party of the United States. The Russian allegedly assured the FBI that he had never discussed with this public relations specialist the information used in the dossier on Trump, but in fact the document was based on part of the information directly received from this person.

The Russian was detained last November, but later released on bail of $ 100 thousand. He was accused of making false statements to FBI employees who were looking for possible violations during the investigation of Trump’s alleged ties with Russia.

Danchenko insisted in 2020 that he was collecting “raw data” for Christopher Steele, a former employee of the British secret intelligence service MI-6, who also participated in the preparation of the “dossier” on Trump. The analyst excluded his responsibility for how Steele used this information.

A dossier with compromising material on Trump, which claimed the existence of links between his campaign headquarters and Russian intelligence services, appeared in 2017 on the BuzzFeed portal. Steele later admitted to using false information in the preparation of the document.

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Суровикин заявил о подготовке Киевом ракетного удара по Каховской ГЭС

Генерал Суровикин заявил о подготовке Киевом ракетного удара по Каховской ГЭС

Суровикин заявил о подготовке Киевом ракетного удара по Каховской ГЭС


Украинские войска готовят ракетный удар по плотине Каховской ГЭС. Об этом заявил командующий группировкой в зоне спецоперации на Украине генерал армии Сергей Суровикин в эфире «России 24».

«У нас имеются данные о возможности применения киевским режимом запрещенных методов войны в районе города Херсона, о подготовке Киевом массированного ракетного удара по плотине Каховской ГЭС, нанесение массивного ракетно-артиллерийского удара по городу без разбора целей. Данные действия могут привести к уничтожению инфраструктуры крупного промышленного центра и большим жертвам среди гражданского населения»,— сказал Суровикин.

Он указал, что украинские силы «целенаправленно наносят удары» по объектам инфраструктуры и жилым домам Херсона, объектам социальной, экономической и производственной инфраструктуры. Снарядами систем HIMARS повреждены Антоновский мост и дамба Каховской ГЭС, отметил Суровикин, в городе затруднен подвоз продуктов питания, наблюдаются проблемы со снабжением водой и электричеством.

Также генерал рассказал, что обстановка в Херсонской областиостается «непростой». По его словам, военныене исключают принятие «непростых решений». При этом Суровикин не уточнил, о каких конкретно «непростых решениях» идет речь.

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«В любом случае мы будем исходить из необходимости максимального сохранения жизней мирного населения и наших военнослужащих. Это является для нас приоритетом»,— добавил Суровикин.

Об угрозе разрушения плотины Каховской ГЭС в результате ракетного удара ВСУ ранее заявилглава Херсонской области Владимир Сальдо. Он объявил о вывозе жителей четырех областных муниципалитетов с правого берега Днепра. На прошлой неделе он записалвидео, в котором просил федеральное правительство помочь с выездом жителей области в другие регионы. При этом он указывал, что выезд является добровольным. Вице-премьер Марат Хуснуллин заявил, что власти будут содействовать размещению жителей в других российских субъектах.


Сергей Суровикин

Командующий объединенной группировкой войск в военной операции на Украине, генерал армии

11 октября 1966 года

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Стрелков подтвердил, что находится в армии

Бывший министр обороны ДНР Игорь Стрелков подтвердил, что находится в армии

Бывший министр обороны ДНР Стрелков сообщил, что находится в действующей армии с 14 октября

Стрелков подтвердил, что находится в армии

Игорь Стрелков и Мирослава Регинская

Бывший министр обороны Донецкой народной республики (ДНР) Игорь Стрелков (Гиркин) подтвердил, что находится в армии. «С 14.10.2022 г. в действующей армии»,— написал он в телеграм-канале. Запись, опубликованная от его имени, появилась спустя несколько дней молчания.

Ранее жена Стрелкова Мирослава Регинская опубликовала фото, где Стрелков одет в военную форму. «На вопросы: где Игорь Иванович? Всели у него хорошо? Куда пропал и т.д. Отвечаю: все хорошо! Скоро выйдет на связь»,— написала она.

Главное управление разведки Минобороны Украины предложило $100 тыс. за передачу Стрелкова в украинский плен. СБУ и Генпрокуратура Украины возбудили против него несколько уголовных дел— за террористическую деятельность, пытки, убийства и нарушение государственного суверенитета.

В украинском ведомстве также заявили, что Стрелков участвует в спецоперации на Украине.

В середине августа Стрелков заверил, что «рано или поздно непременно» побывает на фронте, «но не прямо сейчас». Тогдаже телеграм-канал ВЧК-ОГПУ сообщал, что Стрелков пытался попасть в Херсонскую область «по левому паспорту» на имя Сергея Рунова, но его задержали и отправили в камеру предварительного заключения (КПЗ) в Симферополе. Стрелков опроверг эту информацию.

Игорь Стрелков (Гиркин)— российский гражданин. Он возглавлял Минобороны ДНР с мая по август 2014 года, после чего сложил с себя полномочия министра и вернулся в Россию.

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За участие в конфликте на востоке Украины США и ЕС внесли его в черный список. В 2020 году Украина обвинила Стрелкова в причастности к пыткам украинских граждан в ходе боевых действий в Донбассе в 2014 году и объявила его в розыск.

Помимо этого, прокуратура Нидерландов обвиняет Стрелкова в причастности к крушению Boeing MH17, сбитого в небе над Донбассом в 2014 году. Прокуратура запросила ему пожизненный срок. Стрелков отвергал обвинения.


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Military operation in Ukraine. The main thing

Tothe commander of the group of troops in the area of the special operation, Sergei Surovikin, said about the difficult situation in a number of districts, in Kherson they announced the removal of the population beyond the Dnieper. The main thing about the special operation is in the RBC material *

Military operation in Ukraine. The main thing

The main thing is by 21:00 Moscow time

  • The commander of the joint group of troops in the area of the military special operation, Army General Sergei Surovikin, said about the tense situation in the area of the operation. According to him, the Ukrainian forces are trying to break through the Russian defense in a number of areas. He noted that Russia does not strive for a high rate of offensive, as it “protects the lives of soldiers and civilians”.

  • Surovikin also reported on the use of the fifth-generation Su-57 fighter in Ukraine, which solved “multifaceted tasks” to defeat both air and ground targets.

  • The general described the situation in Kherson as difficult. “We will proceed from the need to preserve the lives of civilians and our military personnel as much as possible. <..."We will act consciously, in a timely manner, not excluding making the most difficult decisions," Surovikin said.

  • Acting Governor of the Kherson region Vladimir Saldo announced the removal of residents of four regional municipalities from the right bank of the Dnieper. He said that Ukraine is accumulating forces in the region for a large-scale offensive. «Battlefield <..."our land, peaceful cities and villages of the Kherson region can become," said the Balance.

Latest news about the military operation

Chronicle of military operations

Supplies of foreign weapons to Ukraine

What sanctions have been imposed against Russia

Vladimir Putin’s emergency appeal

What preceded the military operation

Latest news about the military operation

  • The Ministry of Defense reported that during the day, the Russian armed forces continued to strike with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons at the military control and energy systems of Ukraine, as well as arsenals with ammunition and weapons of foreign production. All assigned objects are hit.

  • On October 18, the Ukrainian authorities reported morning strikes on Kharkiv, Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region, Zaporozhye, Kiev, Zhytomyr. The mayor of the Ukrainian capital Vitali Klitschko clarified that the blow fell on the infrastructure in the Desnyansky district of the city. The deputy head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Kirill Tymoshenko, said that three hits were recorded at an energy facility on the left bank of the Dnieper in Kiev.

  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that as a result of the attacks that began on October 10, 30% of power plants in the country were destroyed. According to him, this led to large-scale power outages across the country. “There is no space left for negotiations with the Putin regime,” he wrote on Twitter.

  • Currently, 1,162 settlements remain without electricity in Ukraine. This, as reported by UNN, was announced by the speaker of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Alexander Khorunzhiy.

  • NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that in the coming days Ukraine will be handed over stations that will have to interfere with drones.

  • The head of the DPR Denis Pushilin said that from 13:00 the Ministry of State Security (MGB) of the republic opens all crossing points with the territory of other subjects of the Russian Federation and no longer carries out border control.

  • Dmitry Peskov clarified that the Ministry of Defense, by presidential decree, set quantitative indicators for mobilization and brought them to the regions. “And the heads of the regions were already responsible for the mobilization work. And the thresholds that have been set, they have already been met in some regions,” he said. At the same time, the press secretary of the President noted that the total number of conscripts for partial mobilization cannot exceed 300 thousand people, which are mentioned in the presidential decree.

  • Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said that the department needs to recruit 42 thousand employees by 2026 to work in the regions annexed to Russia. “We have a huge shortage… 90 thousand personnel. If we… use it to recruit new units in the liberated territories, nothing good will come of it,— the minister said in the State Duma.

  • Secretary of State of the Security Council of Belarus Alexander Volfovich said that his country does not intend to mobilize or enter into a conflict in Ukraine. However, he did not rule out retaliatory actions by the Belarusian forces. “We will protect our country, if thunder breaks, if some plague heads cross our borders, we will mobilize and stand up for the defense of our country. In today’s conditions, the country’s power unit is able to ensure the safety of our citizens,” he stressed.

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin announced partial mobilization in the country, the corresponding decree has already been signed, mobilization activities will begin on September 21. Speaking with a televised address, the President called this decision “fully adequate to the threats” facing the country. Mobilization is needed to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, to ensure the security of the people and “people in the liberated territories,” Putin said.
  • Mobilizations are subject to only those citizens who are in the reserve, and above all those who served in the ranks of the armed forces, has certain military accounting specialties and relevant experience. Those called up for service before being sent to the unit will necessarily undergo additional military training “taking into account the experience of a special military operation.” Citizens who will be called up as part of the mobilization will receive the status, payments and social guarantees of contract employees, the president said.
  • Putin promised to use all means to protect Russia. According to him, the United States and Great Britain are pushing for the transfer of the fighting to Russian territory, nuclear blackmail is being used, but the territorial integrity of the country will be protected by all available means. According to him, NATO “conducts intelligence” throughout the Russian south, Western countries openly talk about the need for Russia’s defeat on the battlefield. Putin pointed out that Russia also possesses nuclear weapons.
  • Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu explained how the mobilization will take place in Russia. In particular, citizens will be called up from the reserve, “these are not some people who have not heard anything about the army,” these are those who have served, have a military accounting specialty. There is no question of any mobilization of students conscripts are also not subject to mobilization and will continue to serve on the territory of Russia. Russia has a huge mobilization resource, partial mobilization will affect 1% or a little more of the total resource, the minister added.
  • The mobilized Russians will first of all be sent to control the territories already occupied, said the head of the Ministry of Defense. According to him, the length of the contact line is more than 1 thousand km, and these territories “need to be secured and controlled”. The recruited reservists will undergo training, coordination and only after that they will perform tasks, Shoigu explained.
  • The Minister said that as part of the partial mobilization in Russia, 300 thousand reservists will be called up . At the same time, he assured that students would not be involved in mobilization, and conscripts would continue to serve in Russia.
  • On September 21, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu called the volume of losses in the special operation. According to him, Russia’s losses amounted to 5,937 people. Since the beginning of the special operation, Ukraine has lost more than 100 thousand people – 61207 dead and 49368 wounded – this is half of its original army.

Chronicle of military operations

October 18 The Russian Defense Ministry reported that units of the Russian army captured the settlement of Gorobevka, Kharkiv region (northeast of Kupyansk).

October 7th The DPR territorial defense headquarters reported that the settlements of Otradovka, Veselaya Dolina and Zaitsevo are occupied in the Bakhmut area. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on the occupation of Zaitsevo the day before.

September 22 The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported that the grouping of the DPR and LPR troops with the fire support of the Russian Armed Forces occupied the settlement of Zhovanka (south of Bakhmut).

September 15th The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported that the servicemen of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics took control of the village of Mayorsk, fire support in this was provided by Russian troops. The village of Mayorsk is located on the northern outskirts of the city of Gorlovka in the Donetsk region. In this area there was one of the checkpoints of entry and exit from the DPR to the territory of Ukraine. The Headquarters of the Defense Ministry of the Republic also published a map according to which further advance of the troops is planned to continue to the north in the direction of Bakhmut.

September 14 The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported the occupation of the settlements of Nikolaevka and Nikolaevka Two south of Bakhmut.

September 10th The Russian Defense Ministry announced an operation to curtail and transfer the Izyumsko-Balakleya group of troops to the territory of the DPR.

September 7th The Russian Defense Ministry announced the occupation of Kodema (southeast of Bakhmut/Artemovsk). According to the statement of the defense Ministry, the Ukrainian troops have not carried out any offensives over the past day.

September 6th The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported the occupation of two more settlements. We are talking about Vremevka and Novopol (to the west of Velikaya Novoselka).

On this day, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on the ongoing attempts of the Ukrainian army to attack in certain areas of the Mykolaiv-Krivoy Rog direction.

September 2nd Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu confirmed that Ukraine continues to attempt to conduct an offensive in Mykolaiv-Krivoy Rog and other directions. According to the minister, “the enemy is suffering significant losses.”

September 1st The Ministry of Defense reported on the landings of Ukrainian troops in the area of the Zaporozhye NPP. One landing party on seven boats consisting of two groups of 60 people landed at about 06:00 Moscow time on the coast of the Kakhovsky reservoir 3 km northeast of the station. They were blocked by Russian forces with the help of army aviation helicopters. Three people from the group were captured in the evening, part ofthe servicemen continued to resist, some died. The second group left Nikopol on two self-propelled barges and tried to disembark at about 07:00 Moscow time a few kilometers from the NPP, but was, according to the defense department, sunk together with the barges as a result of shelling. This group, presumably, was sent to the NPP as reinforcements for the first landing.

On the same day, the Ministry of Defense announced two new attempts of the offensive by Ukrainian forces: in the southern direction, in the area of Nikolaev and near Kharkov. According to the defense ministry, the Ukrainians failed to achieve success.

August 31 The Ministry of Defense again reported on the attempts of attacks by Ukrainian troops in the Mykolaiv-Krivoy Rog direction. The APU attacked the settlements of Arkhangelsk, Olgino and Ternovye Pody, the attacks were repulsed, the APU suffered significant losses and were repulsed.

August 29 and 30 The Ministry of Defense reported on the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south of the country: in the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, as well as from the Krivoy Rog. The Russian military repulsed the attacks, reported the defeat of the advancing units, numerous losses among the Ukrainian troops and a significant amount of destroyed equipment. Statements of the Ministry of Defense about the Ukrainian offensiveThey appeared after the CNN publication about the preparation by the Ukrainian side of the necessary conditions for a serious counteroffensive. Initially, Zelensky’s office denied reports appearing in the media about plans for an offensive in the south of the country, but then the press secretary of the Southern Military Command of Ukraine Natalia Gumenyuk confirmed them.

August 24 The Ministry of Defense reported on how many Ukrainian weapons were destroyed by the Russian military during the six months of the special operation. Among them are 268 aircraft, 148 helicopters, 1803 drones, 369 anti-aircraft missile systems, 4382 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 819 multiple rocket launchers, 3339 field artillery and mortars, as well as 5034 units of special military vehicles.

August 23 The Russian military came to the administrative border of the Mykolaiv region, the Ministry of Defense reported. According to the department, they managed to establish control over the territory of the region with an area of 12 sq. km. The Ministry announced that it had taken control of 36 sq. km of the territory of the Kherson region, including the village of Komsomolskoye.

August 21 The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced the liberation of the village of Peski near Donetsk; the Russian Defense Ministry declared full control over the settlement a week ago.

August 18 The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported that the grouping of troops of the Donbass republics “with the fire support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” liberated 270 settlements on the territory of the republic, including Zaitsevo and Dacha (both located north of Gorlovka).

August 17th The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported control over the settlement of Vershina (southwest of Artemovsk/Bakhmut).

August 14 The Russian Defense Ministry announced the occupation of the settlement of Udy in the Kharkiv region.

August 13 The Russian Defense Ministry announced the occupation of the village of Peski (west of Donetsk).

August 3 The DPR territorial defense headquarters reported the occupation of the settlements of Travnevoye and Semigorye (south of Artemovsk/Bakhmut).

July 29 The DPR territorial defense headquarters reported control over the villages of Klinove and Pokrovskoye (east of Bakhmut).

July 26 Assistant to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LNR Vitaly Kiselyov reported on the occupation of the Uglegorskaya TPP, which is located opposite Svetlodarsk (east of Bakhmut/Artemovsk).

On this day Kiselyov announced the occupation of Novoluganskoye (east of Bakhmut/Artemovsk).

On July 20, the DPR territorial defense headquarters announced the occupation of the village of Berestovoye (north of Soledar).

July 19 The DPR territorial defense headquarters announced the occupation of the village of Staromayorskoye (south of Velikaya Novoselka).

July 14 The People’s Militia of the LPR reported the occupation of the settlements of Stryapovka and Novaya Kamenka (east of Soledar).

July 14 The Territorial Defense Headquarters reported that the People’s Militia of the DPR, with the support of the Russian army, occupied the following settlements: Novodonetsky, Neskuchnoye, Oktyabr (south of Velikaya Novoselka), Mironovka, Krasny Plowman, Companies, Vidrodzhennya, Copper Ore (east of Artemovsk/Bakhmut) and Kamenka (north of Avdiivka).

July 13 Assistant Interior Minister of the LPR Vitaly Kiselyov told the TASS news agency that the People’s Militia forces entered the city limits of Soledar (south of Lisichansk). Earlier, TASS, with reference to Kiselyov, reported on the beginning of the battles for Seversk.

July 12 The Russian Defense Ministry has accused the Ukrainian military of mining bridges across the Seversky Donets River in the village of Nikolaevka (DPR). “They intend to blow them up and, according to an already worked-out scenario with wide coverage in the Ukrainian and Western media, accuse the Russian armed forces of allegedly indiscriminate strikes on critical transport infrastructure facilities,” the report says.

Then, July 12, the head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik said that the units of the People’s Militia will continue the offensive, as Ukrainian troops continue to shell the territory of the republic. “The units of the People’s Militia of the LPR will be forced to continue our movement forward in order to push the enemy to a safe distance so that their equipment and weapons, ammunition do not reach our territory,” the Lugansk Information Center quotes him.

July 11 The official representative of the People’s Militia of the LPR, Ivan Filiponenko, announced the capture by the forces of the republics of Donbass of the settlements of Vladimirovka and Tripillya in the DPR (east of Soledar).

July 10th The LPR ambassador to Russia Rodion Miroshnik said that the troops continue to attack the city of Seversk in the DPR. He also told about the capture of the village of Grigorovka.

July 6 The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported the occupation of the settlement of Disputable (east of Seversk).

July 3 Sergei Shoigu reported to Vladimir Putin that the Russian Armed Forces, together with units of the People’s Militia of the Luhansk People’s Republic, have established full control over the city of Lisichansk.

Photo: Alexander Ratushnyak/EPA/TASS

July 2 The Ministry of Defense reported that as a result of successful offensive actions, the troops of the group “Center” under the command of Colonel-General Alexander Lapin captured the settlements of Verkhnekamenka, Zolotarevka, Belogorovka. In addition, the settlements of Novodruzhesk, Maloryazantsevo and Belaya Gora were occupied.

July 1st The Ministry of Defense reported on the advance of the Russian Armed Forces and the formations of the LPR and DPR near Lisichansk and their exit directly to the city. The Lisichansk oil refinery, the Matrosskaya mine, the gelatin plant, as well as the village of Topolevka were taken under control.

On this day, a representative of the People’s Militia of the LPR reported on the occupation of the villages of Privolye and Shipilovka (west of Lisichansk).

On the afternoon of June 30, the DPR territorial defense headquarters announced the occupation of the village of Sidorovo (located south of Svyatogorsk).

On the morning of June 30, the Ministry of Defense announced the withdrawal of the garrison from Zmeiny Island in the Black Sea as a step of goodwill.

June 27 Assistant Interior Minister of the LPR Vitaly Kiselyov said on the TV channel “Russia 24” that the republican forces and the Russian military have completed the sweep of Volcheyarovka (a village southwest of Lisichansk).

June 26 The Russian Defense Ministry announced the occupation Severodonetsk and nearby localities (including Voronovo and Borovskoye).

June 24 The Russian Defense Ministry reported that as a result of successful offensive actions by a group of Russian troops in the Luhansk direction, the settlements of Loskutovka, Podlesnoye, Mirnaya Dolina, Shchebkaryor, Vrubovka, Nyrkovo, Nikolaevka, Novoivanovka, Ustinovka and Rai-Alexandrovka were liberated in five days.

On June 24, the representative of the People’s Militia of the LPR, Andrei Marochko, told Interfax about full control over the settlements Zolotoye and Gorskoye (east of Lisichansk).

Photo: Ilya Pitalev/RIA Novosti

June 23 Andrei Marochko on the air of the TV channel “Russia 1” said that the forces of the LPR and Russian units entered the village of Katerinovka (southwest of Zolotoye).

On this day, the LNR Ambassador to Russia Rodion Miroshnik reported on the cleaning of the village of Loskutovka (south of Lisichansk).

June 22 The People’s Militia of the LPR reported the occupation of the village of Metelkino (near Severodonetsk).

June 20 Assistant to the Interior Minister of the LPR Vitaly Kiselyov announced the occupation of the village of Toshkovka (southeast of Lisichansk).

June 10 The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported that the People’s Militia, with the fire support of the Russian army, established full control over four villages: Tripolye, Vladimirovka, Stavki and Lipovoe.

June 7 Sergei Shoigu reported on the occupation of Svyatogorsk, Yampol, Drobyshevo, Yarovaya, Kirovsk, as well as residential quarters Severodonetsk.

June 6 The headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported on the establishment of control over the settlements of Pokrovskoye and Zeleny Guy (in the area of Ugledar).

June 3rd the headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR reported on the establishment of control over the settlements of Yarovaya and Shchurovo.

May 30 The DPR authorities reported the advance of the People’s Militia to Slavyansk and the occupation of the settlements of Dibrova and Old Caravan (west of the Estuary).

May 28 The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the city of Krasny Liman (Estuary) in the Donetsk region was taken under control by the Russian military.

On May 24, the flag of Russia was raised over the city hall building Svetlodarsk (northeast of Gorlovka).

Photo: zakharevich_igor/Telegram

May 21 The Ukrainian units defending the Azovstal metallurgical plant in Mariupol surrendered.

Photo: Alexey Kudenko/RIA Novosti

Mariupol was blocked by Russian troops and the People’s Militia of the DPR on February 28. A month later, Ukrainian units, including the Azov regiment (its symbols are recognized as extremist and banned in Russia), were blocked on the territory of the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant. It was decided to abandon the storming of the plant with numerous underground structures. Attempts by the Ukrainian military to evacuate the blocked units ended in failure, after which negotiations on surrender began.

May 17 a representative of the People’s Militia of the LPR reported that the units of the republic managed to occupy the village of Orekhovo (east of the city of Zolotoe).

May 16 parts of the LPR occupied the village of Novozvanivka (north of the town of Popasnaya).

May 12 The Defense Ministry of the LPR reported that the People’s Militia pushed Ukrainian servicemen away from Popasnaya.

How Popasnaya suffered in the LPR from the fighting. Video

May 11 The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that during the joint offensive of the People’s Militia of the LPR and the Akhmat unit, the settlements of Yuzhny and Voevodovka, the gunpowder factory Zarya, as well as several suburban settlements to the north and northwest of Severodonetsk were occupied.

May 5th The People’s Militia of the DPR occupied the village of Troitskoye, from which the shelling of Gorlovka was conducted.

April 25 The People’s Militia of the LPR reported the occupation of the village of Novotoshkovskoye (northeast of Popasnaya).

April 16 The Ministry of Defense announced the taking under control of the Ilyich Metallurgical Plant in Mariupol.

April 11 The Russian Defense Ministry announced the occupation of the village of Kamenka in the Kharkiv region. The military department noted that it was “one of the most fortified defense lines in the Izyumsky district”.

April 1st the first publications about the discovery of the bodies of civilians in the city appeared in Ukraine Butch Kiev region, which was previously abandoned by Russian troops. Then Kiev announced the death of hundreds of residents of Bucha and blamed the incident on Russian servicemen. In Moscow, the incident was called a staging, pointing out a number of inconsistencies. After the events in Bucha, the negotiation process between Russia and Ukraine was actually frozen.

March 31 The Ministry of Defense announced the full occupation of the settlement of Zolotaya Niva. Russian units crossed the Kashlagach River.

On this day, the LNR units completed the cleanup of the Zhitlovka.

On March 29, the Russian army began to leave Kiev, Chernihiv and Sumy regions. The Kremlin called it a gesture of goodwill in the interests of the negotiation process.

During March, negotiations were held between the delegations of Russia and Ukraine. Initially, the meetings were held in Belarus, and the last meeting was held in Istanbul on March 29. According to its results, the head of the Russian delegation, Vladimir Medinsky, announced the coordination of a number of positions, and Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin promised a drastic reduction in military activity in the Kiev and Chernihiv directions.

March 28 The People’s Militia of the LPR captured the settlements of Ivanovka, Novosadovoye, having reached the border of Novolyublino— Terny.

March 25 The Ministry of Defense announced the occupation of the settlements of Batmanka, Mikhaylovka, Krasny Partizan, Stavki and Troitskoye.

March 24 The Ministry of Defense stated that the Russian armed forces took full control of the city of Izyum in the Kharkiv region.

March 22 The Ministry of Defense announced the loss of Kiev’s control over ten settlements. The Russian military occupied the village of Urozhnoye in the Donetsk region, the forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic took four settlements: Slavnoye, Trudovskoy, Chelyuskintsev Mine and Maryinka. Five more Ukrainian settlements came under the control of the People’s Militia of the LPR: Kalinovo, Novoaleksandrovka, Stepnoye and Boguslavskoye.

March 13 The Russian Armed Forces have established full control over the settlements of Pavlovka, Nikolskoye, Blagodatnoye, Vodianovka, Vladimirovka.

March 11 The People’s Militia of the DPR seized Volnovakha.

March 9th in The Russian Defense Ministry reported that units of the Russian armed forces took control of the settlements of Krasnaya Polyana and Stepnoye. The People’s Militia of the LPR occupied Grachevo, the People’s Militia of the DPR – Signal, Taramchuk, Elenovka and Trudovoye.

March 4 The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the People’s Militia of the LPR occupied several settlements: Shandrigolovo, Alexandrovka, Derilovo, Srednoye, Lozove. The People’s Militia of the DPR occupied four settlements: Rozovka, Truzhenka, Znamenovka and Potbellied. Russian troops occupied several settlements in the Zaporozhye region, including the city of Canopies.

March 3 The Russian Ministry of Defense announced the occupation of the city of Balakleya (Kharkiv region). In addition, Russian troops took control of several settlements in the Zaporozhye region, including Blue Mountain, Sweet Beam, Ilchenkovo. The DPR forces surrounding Mariupol occupied the village of Vodiane, as well as Sartana and Vinogradnoye.

Photo: RIA Novosti

March 2 The Russian Defense Ministry announced the establishment of control over Kherson, as well as Vasilevka and Tokmak (Zaporozhye region). In the Luhansk region, the People’s Militia of the LPR established control over the cities of Starobilsk and Svatovo, as well as the district center of Novoaydar.

February 27 The Russian Defense Ministry announced the blocking Kherson and Berdyansk, as well as about the lesson Genichesk (Kherson region). The People’s Militia of the LPR occupied the settlements of Novoakhtyrka, Smolyaninovo (east of Severodonetsk), the Village of Lugansk.

February 26 The Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russian troops took full control of Melitopol overnight..

February 25 the Ministry of Defense announced the occupation of Snake Island in the Odessa region of Ukraine. The Snake garrison laid down their arms.

february 24 The Border Service of Ukraine reported attacks and shelling along the entire border from the Zhytomyr region (bordering only with Belarus) to Lugansk, as well as from the Crimea. Military facilities throughout the territory of Ukraine were subjected to rocket attacks. Later it became known that the Russian army crossed the border in Kiev, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Kherson regions. At the same time, the People’s Militia of the LPR launched attacks on the cities of Happiness and Stanytsia Luhanska to the north of Lugansk, and the People’s Militia of the DPR launched an offensive on Mariupol and Volnovakha.

At the request of Roskomnadzor, RBC provides data on the details of the military operation in Ukraine based on information from Russian official sources.

Supplies of foreign weapons to Ukraine

NATO countries and their allies have been increasing arms supplies to Kiev since the beginning of the special operation. If initially we were talking about helmets, bulletproof vests, unmanned aerial vehicles (Turkish Bayraktar), then they began to send old Soviet weapons to Ukraine, which were still stored in warehouses in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.

Over time, Ukraine began to supply weapons that were produced in NATO countries and Australia. It was about armored vehicles (British Saxon, Australian Bushmaster), anti-tank complexes (Javelin, NLAW), artillery installations (French Caesar, American HIMARS).

You can read more about military supplies to Ukraine here.

What sanctions have been imposed against Russia

Packages of sanctions against Russia began to be introduced even before the start of the special operation in Ukraine, after the recognition of the DPR and LPR. The restrictions were announced by the USA, Canada, the EU, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, Switzerland, Iceland and a number of other countries.

There were six waves of sanctions in total. The United States, the United Kingdom, and the EU stated that they were coordinating efforts to weaken the Russian economy, but restrictions were not always imposed synchronously. There were also certain differences, which in the West were explained by the unwillingness to harm their own economies. There were also differences in personal sanctions. For example, the United States imposed restrictions on 663 people, and the United Kingdom imposed restrictions on more than 1,000 businessmen, politicians, military personnel, media employees, people who were considered close to Putin in London.

The first The wave concerned banks financing the military industry, State Duma deputies who supported the recognition of the DPR and LPR. VEB, which is the lender of many companies, the operator of national projects, the curator of other development institutions and the manager of pension savings of almost 40 million Russians, also came under sanctions.

The second wave of sanctions it began after the start of the special operation. The UK has imposed restrictions on 100 individuals and companies, including VTB, Rostec and Aeroflot. The amounts of deposits and deposits for Russian citizens in UK banks were limited to 50 thousand US dollars. All transactions with new debt obligations with a maturity of more than 14 days were limited to a number of companies (including Gazprom, Russian Railways, Alfa-Bank). Personal sanctions affected Vladimir Putin, Sergey Lavrov, Sergei Shoigu.

The EU has imposed restrictions, including against Russian Railways, Uralvagonzavod, KAMAZ, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, Bank of Russia and Promsvyazbank. Banks were banned from selling euro-denominated securities to clients from Russia, as well as from listing shares of any Russian state-owned companies (with a state share of over 50%) on European exchanges. In addition, insurance of Russian aircraft was banned, and a ban was imposed on the sale and leasing of airliners, spare parts and equipment to Russian airlines.

By March 10, the EU, the United Kingdom, Bosnia, Norway, the United States, Switzerland, Montenegro, and the United Kingdom had closed the airspace for Russian aircraft. A little later, Canada did it too. A number of airlines refused flights to Russia.

The third wave of sanctions it began on February 26. The reserves of the Bank of Russia in the G7 countries were frozen, five banks were disconnected from the SWIFT system. The UK has closed ports for Russian ships, as well as exports of high-tech goods to Russia. On the territory of the EU and the UK, the assets of a number of businessmen were frozen, including Igor Sechin, Mikhail Fridman, Peter Aven.

On March 2, the EU banned the sale, supply, transfer and export of euro banknotes to Russia.

On March 8, the United States announced a ban on oil, gas and coal supplies from Russia.

Since March 10, Visa and Mastercard have stopped working in Russia. The owners of Russian cards of these payment systems have lost the opportunity to pay with them outside the country or pay for purchases in foreign stores.

On March 10, the UK imposed sanctions, including against Roman Abramovich, Andrei Kostin, Oleg Deripaska. Their assets were frozen, British citizens were banned from cooperating with them.

On March 11, the United States banned the supply of dollar bills to Russia, the import of alcohol and seafood from Russia.

On March 12, Bermuda cancelled the flight certificates of 740 aircraft registered there by Russian airlines.

The fourth wave of sanctions it began on March 15. The import of Russian steel products into the EU was banned, and the export of luxury goods to Russia was banned.

On April 4, the United States banned Russia from using reserves frozen in the United States for payments on public debt.

On April 5, was announcedanother package of EU sanctions. So, the EU banned the import of Russian coal, transactions with major banks. Russian ships were banned from entering EU ports (an exception was made for carriers of food, humanitarian and energy goods).

On April 6, the United States banned citizens from doing business with Alfa-Bank and Sberbank, as well as new investments in Russia.

On April 9, the EU restricted the import of fertilizers from Russia.

On April 11, the EU Flight Safety Committee added 21 Russian airlines to the list of carriers that are prohibited or restricted from flying within the EU, since these carriers do not comply with international safety standards.

On April 12, the UK banned the import of Russian cast iron and steel.

On June 3, the EU announced the sixth package of sanctions. The restrictions included KAMAZ, Tatneft, and the National Settlement Depository. Sberbank, Rosselkhoznadzor, and ICD were disconnected from SWIFT. In addition, the EU promised to abandon the import of Russian oil within six months, and from the import of petroleum products within eight months.

The EU has been discussing the sixth package of sanctions for more than a month. Several countries indicated that they were not ready to go for a hard rejection of Russian energy carriers, as this would deal a serious blow to their economies.

On June 16, the UK imposed sanctions, including against Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

On June 28, the United States imposed a ban on the import of Russian gold.

On July 8, Canada imposed sanctions on Patriarch Kirill. In addition, Roskomnadzor, the Regnum news agency, and Ekaterina Andreeva, the presenter of Channel One, were subject to restrictions.

Vladimir Putin’s emergency appeal


Russian President Vladimir Putin made an emergency appeal on the morning of February 24 and announced the start of a special military operation in the Donbass. “Its [operation] goal is to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years,” he stressed.

According to him, Russia cannot feel safe and exist with a constant threat from Ukraine. He stressed that the military operation in Donbass will be carried out in accordance with the UN Charter, the decision of the Federation Council and agreements with the DPR and LPR.

What preceded the military operation

  • Reports that Russia is increasing its military presence on the border with Ukraine began to appear in the Western media in October 2021. The Kremlin said that the movement of Russian troops on the territory of the country is exclusively a matter of Russia.

  • In December 2021, Russia sent the United States drafts of a security guarantee treaty. Moscow offered NATO to abandon further expansion to the east and guarantee that Ukraine and Georgia, in particular, would not join the alliance. In addition, the United States had to abandon the creation of bases on the territory of the former USSR.

  • On February 17, the Russian Foreign Ministry published a reaction to the US responses on security guarantees. Moscow stated that there was no constructive response from Washington to the Russian proposals. “In the absence of the readiness of the American side to agree on firm, legally binding guarantees to ensure our security from the United States and its allies, Russia will be forced to respond, including through the implementation of military-technical measures,” the Foreign Ministry said.

  • Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Alexey Danilov said that Kiev does not see signs of preparation of a full-scale operation on the part of Russia. In his opinion, the purpose of the provocation was to force Ukraine to start “militarily responding powerfully”, and then accuse the Ukrainian authorities of organizing the provocation.

  • On the afternoon of February 18, Donetsk announced that the Ukrainian army was preparing to strike at the Svetlodarsk arc in order to cut the communication lines between Donetsk and Lugansk. The DPR and LPR announced the evacuation of the population to the territory of Russia. Mobilization was announced later. Those in reserve must arrive at the military enlistment offices. At the same time, the Foreign Ministries of the DPR and the LPR refused Kiev’s proposals to hold an extraordinary meeting of the contact group on the settlement in the Donbass.

  • On February 19, US President Joe Biden said that an attack by Russian troops on Ukraine could happen “in the coming weeks” and even “in the coming days”.

  • Vladimir Zelensky, during the Munich Conference, demanded the convening of a summit of the countries participating in the Budapest Memorandum, which provided for Ukraine’s renunciation of nuclear weapons. At the same time, Zelensky said that the return of Donbass and Crimea to Ukraine is possible only by peaceful means.

  • On the afternoon of February 21, the press service of the Southern Military District reported that a sabotage group from Ukraine had broken into the territory of the Rostov region. Two armored vehicles arrived from the territory of Ukraine to evacuate the saboteurs. They were destroyed, five saboteurs were killed.

  • On February 21, Putin said during a meeting of the Russian Security Council that the Ukrainian authorities were not going to implement the Minsk agreements. He suggested discussing the request of the leaders of the DPR and LPR to recognize the sovereignty of the self-proclaimed republics at a meeting of the Russian Security Council.

  • Putin explained that the danger of Ukraine joining NATO lies in the fact that official Kiev threatens to “retake Crimea and Sevastopol”. This poses a threat of a collision between Russia and the entire North Atlantic Alliance. At the same time, Putin considered that the moratorium on Ukraine’s accession to NATO is not a concession.: this is the time to prepare for Kiev’s accession to the alliance.

  • On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees recognizing the sovereignty of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Putin also signed agreements on friendship and mutual assistance with the leaders of the DPR and LPR.

  • The President of Russia said in which borders the DPR and the LPR are recognized. “We have recognized the republics, and hence their Constitution. And there the borders within the Donetsk and Lugansk regions are registered. All disputed issues will be resolved at the negotiations of the Kiev authorities and these republics. This is not possible at the moment. But I hope it will be so in the future,” he said.

  • Official Kiev refused to recognize Russia’s decision and the independence of Donbass. Vladimir Zelensky stressed that the borders of Ukraine will remain as they were recognized by the international community, “despite the statements of the Russian Federation.”
  • On Tuesday, February 22, at an emergency meeting, the Federation Council unanimously allowed President Vladimir Putin to use the Armed Forces of Russia abroad in the DPR and LPR.

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Суровикин сообщил о «непростой ситуации» в Херсоне

По словам командующего, у России есть данные о подготовке ракетного удара по дамбе Каховской ГЭС и городу «без разбора целей»

Суровикин сообщил о «непростой ситуации» в Херсоне

Ситуация в Херсоне непростая, не исключена возможность принятия непростых решений, заявил командующий группировкой в зоне спецоперации на Украине Сергей Суровикин в эфире «России 24».

«В любом случае мы будем исходить из необходимости максимального сохранения жизней мирного населения и наших военнослужащих. Это является для нас приоритетом. Будем действовать осознанно, своевременно, не исключая принятия самых непростых решений»,— сказал он.


По словам Суровикина, дальнейшие планы и действия в отношении самого города Херсона будут зависеть от складывающейся военно-тактической ситуации, которая на сегодняшний день весьма непростая.

Он указал, что украинские силы «целенаправленно наносят удары» по объектам инфраструктуры и жилым домам Херсона, объектам социальной, экономической и производственной инфраструктуры. Снарядами систем HIMARS повреждены Антоновский мост и дамба Каховской ГЭС, отметилСуровикин, в городе затруднен подвоз продуктов питания, наблюдаются проблемы со снабжением водой и электричеством.

«Все это не только значительно осложняет быт горожан, но и создает прямую угрозу их жизням»,— сказал Суровикин. По его словам, НАТО «уже давно требует от киевского режима наступательных операций на херсонском направлении».

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У России есть данные о возможном применении Киевом запрещенных способов и методов войны в районе Херсона, подготовке ракетного удара по дамбе Каховской ГЭС и городу «без разбора целей», что может привести к уничтожению инфраструктуры и жертвам среди гражданского населения, добавил генерал.

На этом фоне глава Херсонской области Владимир Сальдо объявил о вывозе жителей четырех областных муниципалитетов с правого берега Днепра из-за опасности затоплений в связи с «планируемым разрушением плотины Каховской ГЭС и сброса воды с каскада электростанций выше по течению Днепра». «В такой ситуациимною было принято тяжелое, но верное решение объявить об организованном перемещении гражданского населения Бериславского, Белозерского, Снигиревского и Александровского муниципалитетов на левый берег Днепра»,— заявил Сальдо.

На прошлой неделе херсонский губернаторзаписал видеообращение, в котором попросил руководство России помочь с выездом жителей области в другие регионы. При этом он указывал, что выезд является добровольным. Вице-премьер Марат Хуснуллин заявил, что власти будут содействовать размещениюжителей в других российских субъектах.


Сергей Суровикин

Командующий объединенной группировкой войск в военной операции на Украине, генерал армии

11 октября 1966 года

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