Putin explained the absence of Ukraine in the list of unfriendly countries

According to the president, the current leadership of Ukraine can be called unfriendly to Russia. The peoples of the two countries are, in fact, a single whole

 Putin explained the absence of Ukraine in the list of unfriendly countries

Vladimir Putin

Ukraine was not included in the list of unfriendly countries approved by the government due to the fact that the Ukrainian people are not such for Russia. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a live line on June 30, RBC is broadcasting live.

“I believe that Ukrainians and Russians are generally one people”…”.We are a single whole, ” Putin said, stressing that it is not the Ukrainian people who are unfriendly to the CROSS, but the current leadership of Ukraine.

“The current leadership of Ukraine is clearly unfriendly to us, this is an absolutely obvious matter,” the Russian president added, criticizing the bill on the indigenous peoples of the country, which is being prepared for adoption in Ukraine, which did not include Russians. According to Putin, such a decision may lead to the departure of some residents of Ukraine and a reduction in the total number of Russians.

“This, you know, is comparable in its negative consequences to the use of some kind of weapons of mass destruction,” Putin said.

The President also noted that the Russian people have always tried to “split up and pull apart” first Poland, then Austria-Hungary. “Under the influence of external factors, and then the Bolsheviks also made their contribution, we began to divide the united Russian people,” he said, promising to devote a separate analytical article to this issue.

Speaking about the unity of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, Putin recalled that Jews value their unity, although representatives of this people living in different countries may differ in appearance and speak different languages. As another example of preserving national unity, despite the difference in language, the president mentioned the Mordvins living in Russia, who, although divided into groups of Erzya and Moksha, still consider themselves a single ethnic group.

“Erzya and Moksha don’t even understand each other, the languages differ more from each other than Russian and Ukrainian. But they value their unity. Why? For several reasons. Firstly, they are smart and understand that fragmentation will not lead to anything good, ” Putin said.

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Putin said that he is against mandatory vaccination

 Putin said that he is against mandatory vaccination

The direct line with Vladimir Putin began with a question about restrictions in connection with the coronavirus and about vaccination. It was asked by the hosts of the program, broadcast by RBC.

The President replied that the Euro 2020 matches were held in St. Petersburg because Russia has committed itself to organizing the tournament. He then said that he did not support mandatory vaccination.

“I once said, as you remember, that I do not support mandatory vaccination. And I continue to adhere to this point of view, ” Putin said.

“There was a proposal to move the vaccination against covid to the calendar of mandatory vaccinations. But the State Duma deputies did not support it. Vaccination is not mandatory in the national plan. But if the epidemic rises in certain regions, on the recommendation of the chief sanitary doctors, managers can introduce mandatory vaccination for certain categories of citizens. This is all within the framework of the 1998 law, ” the head of state explained.

Putin noted that the authorities of some regions used their right and introduced such vaccination. The President stressed that mandatory vaccination was introduced as an alternative to lockdowns, because of which enterprises are closed, people lose their jobs. “In order to prevent this from happening, such norms are introduced in certain regions and in relation to certain categories,” Putin explained.

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The leader of the DPRK declared a “serious incident” due to a mistake in the fight against COVI

Toim Jong-un said that the irresponsibility and incompetence of officials jeopardized the security of the country. He did not specify what kind of incident he was talking about. North Korea has not reported any cases of COVID-19 infection

 The leader of the DPRK announced a

Kim Jong-un

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at a meeting of the Workers ‘ Party of Korea accused high-ranking officials of incompetence and irresponsibility in preventing the spread of coronavirus infection, KCNA reports.

According to him, the mistakes made during the anti-epidemic work led to a certain “serious incident” that jeopardized the security of the country and its population. He did not specify what kind of incident he was talking about.

Kim Jong-un also criticized the officials for “outdated thinking, which is manifested among the leaders”.

According to Reuters, at the meeting, the North Korean leadership announced the replacement of several members of the Politburo, secretaries of the Central Committee of the party and officials of several state agencies. KCNA does not specify whether this is due to Kim Jong-un’s dissatisfaction with the way officials handled their responsibilities to combat the pandemic.

Pyongyang has repeatedly reported that there is no coronavirus in the country. However, in July 2020, Kim Jong-un announced the first case of suspicion of COVID-19 and called an emergency meeting of the politburo of the Workers ‘ Party. As follows from the data of the World Health Organization (WHO) as of the end of June 2021, the country has never reported a single case of infection or death from coronavirus.

In January 2020, the DPRK closed its land, sea and air borders, as well as imposed serious restrictions on movement within the country. North Korea’s healthcare system is experiencing an acute shortage of resources, funding and technology needed to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Financial Times notes. The country has access to vaccines through the WHO COVAX mechanism, but the authorities have not allowed foreign humanitarian workers and medical experts to enter to deliver the drugs.

In the spring of this year, diplomats from different countries, as well as their family members, began to leave the DPRK. Some embassies were closed. Russian diplomats had to return to their homeland on a trolley from the DPRK border to the Khasan border station in the Primorsky Territory due to an interrupted railway connection.

In May, the government newspaper “Nodong Sinmun” published an article in which the authorities warned citizens that the wind from abroad could lead to the spread of COVID-19 in the country, and urged the population to be vigilant.

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The US Navy denied information about the direction of the destroyer in the direction of the Kyrgyz Republic

Esminets Ross entered the Black Sea on June 26, it takes part in the exercises of NATO countries and allies Sea Breeze. According to the US military, the ship is in the port of Odessa and will remain there “for the foreseeable future”

 The US Navy has denied information about the direction of the destroyer in the direction of the KR

The American missile destroyer Ross, which is taking part in the naval exercises Sea Breeze 2021, is located in the port of Odessa. This is stated in the message of the American fleet, published on the maneuvers page on Twitter.

“Despite recent reports, the destroyer USS Ross was still 30 minutes ago and will be in the port of Odessa, Ukraine, in the foreseeable future, to support the Sea Breeze exercises,” the military of the US 6th Fleet said.

Earlier, messages appeared on Twitter from users who claimed, with reference to MarineTraffic and other services for tracking the movements of ships, that the destroyer was heading towards the Crimea.

The missile destroyer Ross entered the Black Sea on June 26 to participate in maneuvers. The Black Sea Fleet began to monitor the ship.

The exercises of the NATO countries and their allies began on June 28 and will last until July 10. 20 countries, including Ukraine, Great Britain, Poland and Georgia, will take part in the maneuvers. In total, 5 thousand servicemen and 32 ships are involved in the exercises.

The official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Igor Konashenkov, said in early June that the Russian military would closely monitor the preparation and conduct of the exercises. He also suggested that NATO, under the cover of Sea Breeze, will supply Kiev with modern weapons and ammunition, which will then be sent to the Ukrainian troops and nationalist formations stationed near the Donbass. The Russian Embassy in the United States called on Washington and its allies to abandon the exercises and “practice military operations”.

On June 23, an incident involving the British destroyer Defender occurred in the Black Sea. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, he violated the border near Cape Fiolent in the Crimea and did not respond to warnings, so the Russian patrol ship was forced to open a warning fire. Moscow called the situation a deliberate provocation, the British ambassador was handed a note of protest. London said that the destroyer was carrying out a peaceful passage along an internationally recognized route.

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The US Ministry of Transport proposed to ban the sale of air tickets to Belarus

Pthe offer also applies to flights with a transfer. The Ministry admitted that there may be exceptions to the restriction of flights: the ban will not apply in cases where it is a matter of national security or humanitarian necessity.

 The US Ministry of Transport proposed to ban the sale of air tickets to Belarus

The US Department of Transportation has proposed to ban the sale of tickets for passenger flights to Belarus, including those that are carried out with a transfer, the ministry said in a statement.

This measure is based on the decision of the State Department that “in the light of the change in the route of the Ryanair flight, the restriction of transport links between the United States and Belarus meets the interests of the foreign policy of the United States”.

The Ministry of Transport notes that there are possible exceptions to the restriction of flights, each such case will be considered separately. It is assumed that the ban will not apply in cases where it is in the national interests of the United States, national security or humanitarian necessity.

The discussion of this initiative will continue until July 1.

Earlier, Bloomberg reported on the intention of the United States to limit air traffic with Belarus. The agency’s sources noted that the decision was connected with the forced landing of a Ryanair passenger plane in Minsk and the detention of Roman Protasevich, the ex-editor-in-chief of the Nexta Telegram channel.

The plane flying from Athens to Vilnius, on board of which Protasevich was, urgently landed in Minsk on the afternoon of May 23. The airport reported that the flight requested a landing because of a message about a bomb. The airline, in turn, said that the crew received information about mining from Belarusian dispatchers, who instructed to land the plane in Minsk. A MiG-29 fighter of the Belarusian Air Force took to the sky to accompany the liner.

A security check at the Minsk airport did not reveal anything on board the plane, five hours later he was allowed to continue the flight, but without two passengers & mdash; Protasevich and his girlfriend, Russian Sofia Sapegi. In Belarus, the ex-editor-in-chief is included in the list of terrorists, he is accused of organizing mass riots. Protasevich and Sapieha were in pre-trial detention, but on June 25 they were transferred to house arrest. As stated in the Investigative Committee of the republic, they concluded a pre-trial agreement with the investigation.

Washington condemned the incident with Ryanair and demanded the release of the detainees. On May 29, the White House announced that it was suspending the agreement on bilateral air traffic with Belarus. The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has recommended that passenger carriers be careful when flying over this country.

In connection with the incident, the EU countries announced a ban for Belarusian air carriers to use the airspace and airports of the European Union. European carriers were recommended to fly around Belarus. Brussels has imposed sanctions against Minsk, and Washington has also announced new measures.

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Guatemala asked to return the advance payment for Sputnik V due to the delay in delivery

In April, Guatemala signed a contract with the Russian side for the purchase of 16 million doses of the vaccine and paid an advance of 6 billion rubles. However, so far, according to the authorities, only 150 thousand doses have been delivered to the country

 Guatemala asked for a refund of the advance payment for the V Satellite due to a delay in delivery

Guatemala wants to get a refund from Russia of the money paid for the vaccine against the coronavirus “Sputnik V”, due to delays in the supply of the drug. This was announced at the conference by the country’s Minister of Health Amelia Flores, the video was published on Twitter by journalist Andrea Dominguez.

« We ask & lt;…> Money back. And if they [the Russian side] later have the opportunity to sell it, we will pay upon delivery, ” Flores said (quoted by Republica.gt).

According to the minister, she sent a corresponding appeal to the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF).

Guatemalan Foreign Minister Pedro Brolo said that he raised this issue during his trip to Russia last week

RBC sent a request to the RDIF.

In April, the Ministry of Health of Guatemala announced that it had signed a contract with the Russian side for the supply of 16 million doses of the V Satellite. At that time, the authorities announced that they had started paying an advance payment, which corresponds to 50% of the purchase of the entire batch and amounts to 614.5 million Guatemalan quetzals (about 6 billion rubles). On May 5, the first batch of Russian vaccine was delivered to the country. At the moment, as noted by Reuters, Guatemala has received only 150 thousand doses of the vaccine.

The Ministry of Health of Guatemala registered the Russian drug at the end of February. The country also uses Moderna and AstraZeneca, which were supplied to them free of charge or under the COVAX mechanism.

The population of Guatemala is about 18 million people. To date, at least one dose of the drug has been received by 4.2%, reports Reuters.

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Bloomberg learned about the US plans to restrict flights to Belarus

The US Department of Transport plans to announce this measure in the near future. Bloomberg notes that it will be symbolic, since air traffic between the two countries is already limited

 Bloomberg learned about US plans to restrict flights to Belarus

The United States intends to restrict flights to Belarus due to the forced landing in Minsk of a Ryanair passenger plane flying from Athens to Vilnius, Bloomberg reports, citing two sources. Roman Protasevich, the former editor-in-chief of the Nexta Telegram channel, was on board this liner, he was removed from the flight and detained.

The measure was developed by the US Department of Transport together with the State Department, according to the agency.

Bloomberg notes that the measure will be symbolic, since air traffic between the two countries is already limited. It is intended to show that Washington is still concerned about the detention of Protasevich.

The Ryanair incident caused a sharp reaction from the international community. On May 29, the United States announced the suspension of the agreement on bilateral air communication with Belarus and recommended that Americans observe “extreme caution” when flying over this country.

The European Union has also decided to close its airspace and airports to Belarusian airlines. After the incident, Brussels imposed another package of sanctions against Minsk, then Washington, London and Ottawa joined this decision.

In Belarus, Protasevich is listed as a terrorist, he is accused of organizing mass riots. Until recently, he was held in the Minsk pre-trial detention center, but on June 25 he was transferred to house arrest.

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Peskov appreciated Putin’s readiness to order the shooting because of the violation of the gra

According to Peskov, the president is “always ready to do everything to protect Russia, if necessary,” but it is better not to discuss bad scenarios, because “sometimes words materialize”

 Peskov appreciated Putin's readiness to order the shooting because of a violation of the gra

Dmitry Peskov

President Vladimir Putin will take any measures to protect Russia, but it is better not to discuss bad scenarios. This was stated on the air of the channel “Russia 24” by the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov.

This is how he answered a journalist’s question about whether Putin is ready to give an order for the target in case of a repeat of the situation with the British destroyer that entered the Black Sea.

“Let’s not even talk about such scenarios,” Peskov said to this. He explained that “sometimes words materialize”, “so you don’t even need to think or talk about it”.

“But it seems to me that we all need to know one thing, as Russians: our president is always ready to do everything to protect our country, if necessary,” the press secretary added.

On June 23, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, the British destroyer Defender violated the border near Cape Fiolent in the Crimea and did not respond to warnings, so the Russian patrol ship was forced to open a warning fire.

The British side said that the ship was sailing through international waters. The military department of the United Kingdom also assured that there was no warning shooting, and suggested that the Russian military conducted exercises in the Black Sea. However, later, the ship’s captain Vincent Owen admitted that there was shooting on the ship’s course, but the destroyer was out of reach of Russian guns.

The Telegraph wrote that the final decision on the passage of Defender through Russian waters was made by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. According to the newspaper, the route was proposed by Defense Minister Ben Wallace, but this was opposed by Foreign Minister Dominic Raab, who warned that Moscow would use the incident to its advantage. On June 27, the BBC reported,that secret documents of the Ministry of Defense concerning the possible reaction of Russia to the passage of the destroyer were found at a bus stop in Kent. They indicated that the British authorities were considering three options for responding from Russia-from “safe and professional” to “unsafe and unprofessional”.

According to Peskov, the actions of the destroyer are a deliberate provocation. The British Ambassador to Russia, Deborah Bronnert, was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and handed a note of protest.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov promised that Russia will defend the inviolability of its borders to the point that it will “bomb not just on the course, but also on the target, if colleagues do not understand”. The representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Igor Konashenkov, called Defender “just a fat target for the anti-ship complexes of the Black Sea Fleet”.

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